🔑These BIG Changes Made Keyword Tools A LOT Worse

🔑These BIG Changes Made Keyword Tools A LOT Worse

Did you know back in January something devastating happened to almost all Keyword tools on the market?

One of the biggest datasets used to estimate traffic went offline, leaving keyword tools to fend for themselves. What does this mean in real terms though and were keyword tools even that good at estimating traffic in the first place?

Today, Mark and Gael discuss why traffic estimations are getting worse and what you can do to combat this.

Podcast show notes – https://www.authorityhacker.com/traffic-estimations-dead/
Avast Kills Jumpshot (Techcrunch) – https://techcrunch.com/2020/01/30/avast-shuts-down-marketing-analytics-subsidiary-jumpshot-amid-controversy-over-selling-user-data/

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