What Does a Systeme.io Course Look Like for Customers? Discover 9 Types of Digital Products You Can Sell

How does a course look like to the customer in Systeme.io (9 types of digital products you can sell)

Are you curious about what a Systeme.io course looks like for you as a customer? If so, you’re in the right place! In this blog post, we will explore the 9 types of digital products that you can sell using Systeme.io. So, get ready to uncover the exciting possibilities that await you and your business. Let’s dive in!

What Does a Systeme.io Course Look Like for Customers? Discover 9 Types of Digital Products You Can Sell


Are you interested in creating and selling digital products online? Do you want to know what a Systeme.io course looks like from the customer’s perspective? In this article, we will explore the different types of digital products that can be sold on Systeme.io and provide a comprehensive overview of the features and benefits of using this platform. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can leverage Systeme.io to create and sell various digital products.

1. Traditional Courses: Text, Videos, and Interactive Elements

Systeme.io offers a user-friendly course area where you can create and sell traditional courses. These courses consist of text, videos, and interactive elements to engage your customers. The course area is designed to provide an immersive learning experience for your customers, allowing them to consume the content at their own pace.

2. Video Hosting Software Options

When creating digital products, it’s essential to consider the hosting options for your videos. Systeme.io offers seamless integration with popular video hosting software, allowing you to easily upload and embed videos in your courses. Whether you choose to host your videos on YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia, Systeme.io has you covered.

3. Selling Digital Products Online: The Process Explained

Selling digital products online can seem daunting, but Systeme.io simplifies the process. From creating sales pages to setting up payment gateways, Systeme.io provides a comprehensive suite of tools to help you sell your digital products effortlessly. With just a few clicks, you can create a professional sales funnel and start generating revenue from your digital products.

create viral videoes in one click

4. “Done for You” Services and Coaching Programs

If you’re looking to offer more personalized services to your customers, Systeme.io allows you to create “done for you” services and coaching programs. These offerings provide a tailored experience for your customers, allowing them to receive one-on-one support and guidance. Whether you’re an expert in your field or looking to offer consulting services, Systeme.io provides the platform to monetize your knowledge.

5. Memberships and Searchable Libraries

Systeme.io offers a membership area where you can create exclusive content for your customers. You can add memberships and searchable libraries to enhance the value of your digital products. With a membership area, you can provide ongoing access to premium content, build a community, and generate recurring revenue from your customers.

6. Systeme.io Video Hosting vs. Searchie

If you’re looking for a video hosting solution that integrates seamlessly with Systeme.io, you may have come across Searchie. While Searchie offers advanced video search capabilities, Systeme.io provides a comprehensive suite of tools for creating and selling digital products. It ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences when choosing between the two.

7. Cross-Sells and Hosting Online Workshops

Systeme.io enables you to cross-sell your digital products and host online workshops. Cross-selling allows you to offer related products or services to your customers, increasing their overall value. Hosting online workshops provides an interactive and engaging experience for your customers, allowing them to learn directly from you in a live setting.

8. Selling Templates, Hosting Virtual Summits, and Selling eBooks

Systeme.io allows you to sell templates, host virtual summits, and sell eBooks. Templates can be a valuable digital product, saving your customers time and effort. Virtual summits provide a platform for experts to come together and share their knowledge with a wide audience. Selling eBooks is a popular choice for many digital product creators, allowing you to package your expertise in a comprehensive and easily consumable format.

9. Hack to Capture More Customer Emails for Email Lists on Amazon

Do you have an eBook or other digital product listed on Amazon? Systeme.io provides a hack to capture more customer emails for your email lists. By offering additional value, such as bonus content or exclusive discounts, you can incentivize customers to provide their email address during the purchase process.


Creating and selling digital products has never been easier with Systeme.io. Whether you’re looking to offer traditional courses, coaching programs, or memberships, this platform provides the tools and functionality to bring your ideas to life. By leveraging Systeme.io’s features and benefits, you can create a seamless and immersive learning experience for your customers while generating revenue from your digital products.


  1. Can I sell physical products on Systeme.io?

    • No, Systeme.io is designed specifically for selling digital products.
  2. What payment gateways does Systeme.io support?

    • Systeme.io supports popular payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, and Apple Pay.
  3. Can I integrate Systeme.io with my existing website?

    • Yes, Systeme.io offers seamless integration with various website platforms, including WordPress and Shopify.
  4. Are there any transaction fees on Systeme.io?

    • Systeme.io does not charge any transaction fees. You only pay the processing fees charged by the selected payment gateway.
  5. Can I offer discounts or promotions on Systeme.io?

    • Yes, Systeme.io allows you to create and manage discounts and promotions for your digital products.

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