How to Set Up a Custom Domain with How to Setup Custom Domain

Setting up a custom domain with can greatly enhance your online presence and make your business appear more professional. With this feature, you can replace the default domain with a personalized domain that reflects your brand and engages your target audience. In this blog post, we will explore the simple steps to guide you through the process of setting up a custom domain with By the end, you will have all the information you need to successfully establish your unique online identity and take your business to the next level. So, let’s dive in and discover the power of a custom domain with!


In the digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business or individual looking to make their mark. A website with a custom domain not only helps establish credibility but also provides a memorable address for potential customers and clients. However, the process of setting up a custom domain can be quite daunting for those who are not tech-savvy. Thankfully, Eran Bucai has come to the rescue with a comprehensive tutorial on how to set up a custom domain with

Step-by-Step Instructions for Adding a Custom Domain on

Eran Bucai’s video tutorial takes viewers through every step of the process, making it easy for even beginners to understand and follow along. Here are the key steps covered in the video:

  1. Choosing a Domain: The video begins with an explanation of the importance of choosing the right domain name. Eran emphasizes the need for a domain that reflects the brand or persona and suggests using keywords to optimize search engine visibility.

  2. Connecting the Account to the Domain Provider: Eran provides a detailed walkthrough on how to connect an existing account to the chosen domain provider. This involves updating DNS settings and configuring the domain to point to’s servers.

  3. Verifying the Connection: Once the DNS settings have been updated, Eran demonstrates how to verify if the connection has been successfully established. This is a crucial step to ensure that the custom domain is correctly linked to the account.

  4. Setting Up Website Redirection: Eran shows viewers how to set up website redirection, which allows visitors who type in the old domain to be automatically redirected to the newly configured custom domain. This ensures a seamless transition for existing website visitors.

  5. Additional Help and Resources: Eran goes the extra mile by offering additional help and resources for those who may encounter difficulties during the setup process. Viewers are encouraged to reach out for further assistance and guidance.

Free Resources and Services Offered by Eran Bucai

Aside from the tutorial on setting up a custom domain with, Eran Bucai offers a range of free resources, services, and recommendations to help individuals and businesses establish a strong online presence. Here are some noteworthy offerings:

  1. Free eBook on Boosting Productivity: Eran’s website features a free eBook that provides valuable tips and strategies to boost productivity. This resource is perfect for entrepreneurs and professionals looking to optimize their time management skills.

  2. Free Facebook Group: Eran invites viewers to join his free Facebook group, where like-minded individuals can connect, share ideas, and seek advice. The group serves as a supportive community for those looking to grow their online presence and expand their business ventures.

  3. Consultations and Testimonials: For individuals looking for more personalized guidance, Eran offers consultation services. These one-on-one sessions allow clients to tap into Eran’s extensive knowledge and expertise. Additionally, testimonials from satisfied clients are available for those interested in learning about the results they can achieve through Eran’s services.

  4. Recommended Business Books: Eran shares a list of recommended business books on his website. These books cover a wide range of topics, from entrepreneurship and marketing to personal development and success mindset. Interested individuals can purchase these books to further enhance their knowledge and skills.

  5. Equipment for Content Creation: Eran also sells equipment such as microphones, laptops, and selfie ring lights on his website. These tools are essential for those looking to create high-quality content for their websites, podcasts, or social media channels.

Contacting Eran Bucai

For those looking to connect with Eran Bucai, he provides multiple contact options to ensure accessibility. Here are the various ways to reach out:

create viral videoes in one click
  • YouTube: Eran’s YouTube channel serves as a hub for his video tutorials and provides a platform for viewers to engage and ask questions. Leaving a comment on one of his videos is a great way to get in touch.

  • Email: Eran’s email address is readily available for anyone who prefers direct communication. This allows for more detailed inquiries or discussions.

  • Facebook Messenger: Connecting via Facebook Messenger offers a quick and convenient way to reach out to Eran. The messaging platform allows for a more immediate response.

  • Instagram: Eran can also be reached through direct messages on Instagram. This option is particularly useful for those who prefer visually-oriented communication.


Setting up a custom domain can be a complex process, especially for beginners. However, Eran Bucai’s tutorial on how to set up a custom domain with simplifies the process and provides step-by-step instructions for a seamless setup. Additionally, Eran offers valuable resources, consultations, and equipment to help individuals and businesses establish a strong online presence. With Eran’s guidance, anyone can take their online ventures to new heights. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit Eran’s website, learn more about his story, and make use of the valuable resources he has to offer.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Can I use any domain provider with
A1: Yes, Eran’s tutorial covers how to connect with any domain provider.

Q2: What if I encounter issues during the setup process?
A2: Eran offers additional help and resources for those who may need assistance. Reach out to him for personalized guidance.

Q3: Are the consultations offered by Eran personalized?
A3: Yes, the consultations offered by Eran are one-on-one sessions tailored to the specific needs of the client.

Q4: Where can I find testimonials from Eran’s clients?
A4: Testimonials from satisfied clients can be found on Eran’s website. They showcase the results that can be achieved through his services.

Q5: Can I purchase equipment from Eran’s website?
A5: Yes, Eran sells equipment such as microphones, laptops, and selfie ring lights on his website to aid in content creation.

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