Digital marketing and advertising are the branch of internet marketing which makes use of one or more web technologies to influence a targeted audience to take an action, usually to purchase a product. In the online marketing field, this targeted action is usually buying a particular product online. In digital marketing, it means letting potential customers know about your online store, so they are able to visit your website. The higher the conversion rate of these visitors, the more likely you are to make a sale.
Digital marketing and advertising techniques include Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay per Click (PPC) Advertising and Social Media Marketing. SEO deals with search engines such as Google, Yahoo! and Bing; PPC Advertising is paid for by displaying advertisements on specific sites, such as Google Adsense, while social media marketing involves networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. There are also other digital channels to promote brands such as video production, podcasts and radio stations. These digital channels are used to extend the reach of brand awareness.
Before launching a marketing campaign, it is essential to determine the goals you want to achieve through it. You must determine whether the campaign is to drive traffic to your website, generate leads or generate sales. Once you have determined the goals, you can then decide on the appropriate strategy to meet these needs. If you are looking to drive traffic to your site, one strategy is to hire an expert marketer to create blogs and articles related to your brand and product line. You can also outsource lead generation services from companies offering lead generation solutions. Alternatively, you can create and distribute newsletters through RSS feeds, email marketing services, social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and StumbleUpon.
The next aspect to consider is your target audience. Your target audience may be individuals who are already interested in your brand but whom you will need to attract to join your email marketing list, your email opt-in list or your RSS feed subscribership. You can further expand your target audience by including them in your online marketing strategy. For example, if you are a real estate agency, you may want to include real estate related content in your newsletters and build a community of realtor interested individuals on the social media platforms such as Facebook.
In addition, your target audience may be students, professionals or owners of small businesses. It is important to reach these types of people using content marketing strategies. Content marketing can be effective when written by a company that has expertise in the industry you are in. You can also find new marketing professionals who are familiar with your industry and products. They can help you write content and ensure its relevance to your site and audience.
Digital Marketing and Advertising should also include pay per click advertising. This can be done in several ways such as through Google AdWords, through your own website or through a pay per click search engines platform such as Google AdSense. Search engines such as Google have very high standards for determining which advertisements are appropriate for their platform and those that are not. If you decide to go with pay per click advertising, you will need to ensure that your keywords are relevant to your site and your audience.
You will also want to consider the tracking tools offered by your seo marketing company. You should be able to track and test your PPC campaigns as well as the results you have received. With the proper tracking and testing you will be able to measure the effectiveness of your campaign and your return on investment.
Digital Marketing and advertising campaigns can be effective but must be used effectively. These online marketing strategies are great for capturing audience and driving more traffic to your website and for drawing attention to your ecommerce campaigns. However, if you want to increase traffic, increase your conversions and improve your revenue you will need to incorporate other effective marketing strategies such as social media marketing, pay per click advertising, ecommerce solutions and SEO.