How To Build 417 Links Per Month with Jason Malone (Ep. 313)

How To Build 417 Links Per Month with Jason Malone (Ep. 313)

Are you struggling to build quality links for your website? Do you want to learn the secrets of building 417 links per month from an expert? Look no further than Jason Malone, who recently shared his proven link building strategies on Episode 313 of our podcast. In this post, you will discover Jason’s actionable tips and techniques that will help you boost your website’s visibility and attract more organic traffic through link building. So, grab a notebook and get ready to take notes as we dive into the world of link building with Jason Malone.

How To Build 417 Links Per Month with Jason Malone (Ep. 313)


Are you looking for ways to build quality links to boost your website’s traffic and ranking? Look no further as in this article, we will be reviewing a video created by Authority Hacker, where the founder of We Outreach agency, Jason Malone, shares his insights on link building.

In this video, Jason talks about his process, tools, and tips on how he and his team build hundreds of links every month successfully. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced link builder, this podcast is worth a listen.

So, sit back and relax as we dive into the details of “How To Build 417 Links Per Month with Jason Malone” episode.

Prospection Process

The first step in link building, according to Jason, is finding websites that are relevant to your niche and have high-quality content. To do this, he suggests using various tools like Ahrefs, Google, and Buzzsumo.

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Once you’ve identified the websites, Jason recommends building relationships with the people behind those sites. He explains that this can be done by sending outreach emails that include personalized messages, valuable content, and offers.

Vetting Links and Sites

Once you get a reply to your outreach message, it’s essential to vet the site before building a link to ensure that it’s relevant, authoritative, and safe. Jason suggests using his tool, which grades sites based on quantitative data such as Domain Authority, Trust Flow, and content quality.

He also gives away their entire blacklist of low-quality sites to help link builders avoid wasting their time on sites that won’t bring any value.

Red Flags in Link Building

Link building can be tricky, and there are many red flags to watch out for to avoid getting penalized by search engines. Jason shares some of these red flags, such as building links too quickly, using exact match anchors, and getting links from sites with spammy content.

He also recommends using Mailshake, an outreach tool to send personalized messages at scale and track responses.

Case Studies

Jason Malone provides some real-life examples of good, bad, and borderline link building practices in the podcast. These case studies include examples of how his team was able to build high-quality links for their clients and how they dealt with bad links and penalties.


In conclusion, this podcast is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn about link building from an expert like Jason Malone. His insights and practical tips will help you build quality links and avoid pitfalls that can harm your website’s ranking and traffic.

Check out We Outreach’s website to access their link assessing tool and blacklist to streamline your link building process.


  1. How many links can I build per month?
    Ans. The number of links you can build per month depends on various factors, such as website authority, niche, competition, and outreach efforts. However, as per Jason Malone, his team at We Outreach builds around 400+ links every month.

  2. What is We Outreach?
    Ans. We Outreach is an agency that helps businesses build authoritative and relevant links at scale.

  3. What are red flags in link building?
    Ans. Red flags in link building include building links too quickly, using exact match anchors, getting links from sites with spammy content or low domain authority.

  4. What outreach tools should I use?
    Ans. Some effective outreach tools recommended by Jason Malone are Mailshake, Buzzstream, and OutreachPlus.

  5. Can I access We Outreach’s link assessing tool and blacklist?
    Ans. Yes, you can access We Outreach’s link assessing tool and blacklist on their website.

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