How to Create a List of Keywords – A Powerful New Guide For Beginners

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How To Create a List of Keywords

How to Create a List of Keywords – A Powerful New Guide For Beginners

If you are building a website then you know how important it is to be able to know how to create a list of keywords. The proper list will give you ideas on what phrases and words people are going to use when searching for what you have to offer on your site. It can also help you make an informed decision when choosing which keywords to place in your meta tags and title tag. If you don’t do this basic research then you could easily end up with a bunch of keywords that nobody is interested in clicking on.

So, how to create a list of keywords. One of the easiest ways to do this is to simply look at the competition you are dealing with. What does the competition look like? This will tell you some things about how to create a list of keywords.

If you see that they use very competitive keyword phrases then you will want to avoid them. This doesn’t mean you have to stop all of your keywords from being used though. You just need to do keyword research to see what they are doing and why. See if there are other websites that are using these same keyword phrases and see what they look like.

Is there room for you to stand out? Sometimes the phrases that rank well can also be very competitive. If you discover that most sites use competitive keywords then you may want to try those. See if they can beat out the competition and you just might get a nice boost in traffic with those keywords.

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List all the keyword phrases you find that are ranking well. Go through each one and see if it is in fact viable. Is it used by any big site? There is always a chance that they could use that keyword. You can check with the major search engines as to what they require for keyword lists. If you can get them, then you could have a huge advantage.

You will find some lists online that cost money. You can find free lists that you can use, but they are not always the best. The search engines will not always tell you which ones are good to use for your niche. You should spend some time testing them out to see if they work for you.

The next step in learning how to create a list of keywords is to start creating keyword phrases of your own. This way you know where your traffic is coming from and you can tailor your pages to those keywords. Don’t be afraid to do a little research on the subject matter you are specializing in. There is always an audience for whatever it is you are working on.

Don’t worry too much about how many keyword phrases you put together. As long as you have at least ten good ones, you will be okay. Just don’t forget about your audience. They need to be included so that your list of keywords makes sense and they can find your pages.

Once you have your lists of keyword phrases, go back and check them to make sure they are all true. Sometimes we get so caught up in making money online that we lose sight of who we are doing this for. Make sure your keyword lists are not a scam. If they aren’t, then you aren’t wasting your time or anyone else’s by building lists for them. If they are, then you need to re-do your tactics and come up with new ones.

The reason I tell you all this is that so many people waste their time and effort creating keyword lists and then never do anything with them. Don’t do that! Create one or two at first then pick up more as you learn more about keyword phrases. This will save you a lot of time and energy.

Once you have the lists – go ahead and start writing articles around these keyword phrases. Don’t just write articles though. Write them as if you were promoting products. If you see a product you like – you can write an article around it. As you learn more about keywords and write more articles – your traffic will explode.

You want to make sure that you find niche markets for your keyword phrases. If you promote the same product in more than one place – your campaigns will be worthless. So go through your lists and see which ones are profitable markets. Then go after them and create your lists of keyword phrases. It really is simple, if you follow these steps, how to create a list of keywords.

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