What Can AI Really Do Now that the Hype Train Has Slowed Down?

Now that the AI hype train has slowed down... what is it actually good at?

Are you curious to know what AI can truly accomplish now that the hype train has slowed down? Explore the depths of this fascinating technology as we delve into its current capabilities and shed light on the realistic expectations you can have. Unveil the potential of AI in today’s world and discover how it can revolutionize various industries. Join us as we break down the barriers and separate fact from fiction. Your journey into the realm of AI starts here.

What Can AI Really Do Now that the Hype Train Has Slowed Down?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic in recent years, with various industries exploring its potential applications. In the field of SEO and website building, AI has gained attention for its ability to automate certain tasks and improve productivity. However, the recent rollout of a major Google update has brought to light the challenges associated with AI-generated content. In this article, we will explore how Authority Hacker is using AI and discuss its usefulness in the SEO and website building industry. We will also delve into Google’s struggle to keep up with the influx of generic AI content, and how this has impacted other platforms like Quora, LinkedIn, and Reddit.

H1: Authority Hacker Uses AI, but with Caution
H2: Workflows: Integrating and Removing AI
H2: The Goal: Finding the Right Balance
H2: Google’s Disapproval of Low-Quality AI Content
H2: Impact on Platforms like Quora, LinkedIn, and Reddit

Authority Hacker is using AI and discussing its usefulness for SEOs and website builders.

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Authority Hacker, a prominent authority site in the SEO and website building industry, has explored the potential of AI in their workflows. However, they approach AI with caution and prioritize maintaining content quality over mass production. Instead of relying on AI for generating a large volume of content, they seek to leverage it for specific processes where it can enhance productivity without compromising quality.

Google has rolled out a major update in response to the influx of generic AI content.

With the increasing use of AI-generated content, Google recognized the challenges of maintaining content quality and relevance. As a result, they rolled out a major update to their algorithms to combat the flood of low-quality content. This update signals Google’s disapproval of content that lacks authenticity and fails to provide value to users. Consequently, websites employing AI for content generation without due consideration to quality may face significant consequences in their search engine rankings.

Google is struggling to keep up with the amount of AI-generated content.

As AI technology continues to advance, Google faces the uphill battle of distinguishing between high-quality, human-generated content and lower-quality AI-generated content. The use of AI places an increased burden on search engines like Google to ensure that the content ranking algorithms are able to discern the authenticity and value of the information presented. The challenge lies in refining the algorithms to accurately evaluate content quality when AI is involved.

Authority Hacker does not use AI for mass content production on their website.

Authority Hacker, known for its commitment to producing high-quality content, recognizes the limitations of AI in maintaining the desired level of quality. While they acknowledge the potential benefits of using AI for mass content production, they have consciously chosen to prioritize quality over quantity. By leveraging AI for specific processes and workflows, they maximize the advantages it offers, while still upholding their commitment to delivering valuable and reliable information to their audience.

They do use AI for various processes but only if the quality is maintained.

Though Authority Hacker may not use AI for mass content generation, they do implement AI technologies for various processes where it can enhance productivity. However, they thoroughly vet the quality before integrating AI into their workflows. This ensures that the final output meets their high standards and provides value to their audience.

The episode will cover the workflows where AI was integrated and later removed.

Authority Hacker’s experience with AI encompasses both successful integrations and instances where it was later removed from their workflows. This episode sheds light on their journey of finding the right balance between human expertise and AI assistance. By exploring workflows where AI was initially integrated, but later deemed insufficient or inappropriate, Authority Hacker demonstrates their commitment to quality and their willingness to adapt and evolve their methodologies.

The goal is to improve productivity by finding the right balance with AI.

Authority Hacker’s primary motivation for exploring AI technologies is to improve productivity without sacrificing content quality. By finding the right balance between AI assistance and human expertise, they aim to streamline processes and optimize efficiency. This goal reflects their commitment to delivering valuable content to their audience while remaining adaptive to emerging technologies.

Google’s update signals their disapproval of low-quality AI content.

The recent Google update reflects the search engine’s stance on content generated by AI. The update aims to crack down on the proliferation of low-quality, generic AI content that lacks value and authenticity. By refining their algorithms, Google intends to provide users with search results that prioritize relevance and credibility. This update serves as a reminder to content creators of the importance of maintaining quality when employing AI technologies.

Quora, LinkedIn, and Reddit have reported significant traffic losses due to the update.

The impact of Google’s update goes beyond algorithmic changes; it has had significant consequences for platforms like Quora, LinkedIn, and Reddit. These platforms have seen a decline in traffic due to the devaluation of low-quality AI-generated content. The update has forced these platforms to reevaluate their content policies and algorithms to mitigate the negative effects on user experience.


As the hype train around AI slows down, it becomes crucial to assess the practical utility of AI in various industries. For Authority Hacker, AI is a tool that, when used judiciously, can enhance productivity without compromising content quality. Google’s major update serves as a reminder that maintaining authenticity and providing value to users should be the primary goals when incorporating AI into content generation processes. Authority Hacker’s approach, valuing quality over mass production, sets a precedent for balancing AI capabilities with human expertise. By adopting this mindset, content creators can position themselves to adapt to evolving AI technologies while remaining committed to delivering valuable information to their audience.


  1. Does Authority Hacker rely heavily on AI for content production?
    No, Authority Hacker prioritizes content quality over mass production and uses AI for specific processes where it can enhance productivity without compromising quality.

  2. What prompted Google to roll out a major update?
    Google responded to the influx of generic AI content by rolling out an update to combat the lack of authenticity and value in such content.

  3. How is Google struggling to keep up with AI-generated content?
    Google faces the challenge of distinguishing between high-quality, human-generated content and lower-quality AI-generated content with the advancement of AI technology.

  4. Have platforms like Quora, LinkedIn, and Reddit been affected by the Google update?
    Yes, these platforms have reported significant traffic losses due to the devaluation of low-quality AI-generated content.

  5. Is Authority Hacker open to using AI if it enhances their work?
    Yes, Authority Hacker remains open to using AI if it can enhance their work without compromising content quality.

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