Kajabi vs. Systeme.io: Exploring the Key Differences and Why I Chose to Switch from Kajabi to Systeme (Mostly)

Kajabi vs systeme.io comparison: ⚡️ why I decide to move away from Kajabi to Systeme (mostly) 💥

Welcome to our blog post where we delve into the key differences between Kajabi and Systeme.io and share why we made the decision to switch from Kajabi to Systeme (mostly). As entrepreneurs and online business owners, we understand the importance of finding the right platform to support our goals and objectives. In this article, we will explore the unique features, functionalities, and benefits that set Kajabi and Systeme.io apart, aiding you in making an informed decision for your business. Join us as we navigate the world of online course platforms and share our personal experiences and insights along the way.

Kajabi vs. Systeme.io: Exploring the Key Differences and Why We Chose to Switch (Mostly)


When it comes to online business platforms, there are a plethora of options available. As content creators and entrepreneurs, we understand the importance of finding the right tools to support our business goals. In our pursuit of a platform that can effectively manage and scale our online endeavors, we have experimented with a number of different options. Two platforms that have caught our attention are Kajabi and systeme.io. While we still affiliate, promote, and use Kajabi, we are more invested in using and promoting systeme.io. In this article, we will outline the reasons for choosing systeme.io over Kajabi.

We Still Affiliate, Promote, and Use Kajabi

Before we dive into the reasons for our switch, it’s important to note that we haven’t completely abandoned Kajabi. We still find value in the platform and continue to use it to some extent. In fact, we still affiliate with Kajabi and believe it is a solid choice for many individuals and businesses. However, after discovering systeme.io and thoroughly evaluating its features and benefits, we made the decision to switch (mostly) to systeme.io.

We Are More Invested in Using and Promoting Systeme.io

One of the primary reasons we chose to switch to systeme.io is because we were incredibly impressed with what the platform has to offer. From its intuitive interface to its robust features, systeme.io stood out as a powerful tool for managing our online business. Not only were we attracted to its simplicity and ease of use, but we also appreciated the comprehensive suite of features it provided.

Why We Chose Systeme.io

There are four main reasons why we chose systeme.io as our preferred online business platform:

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  1. Pricing: Systeme.io offers affordable pricing plans that cater to businesses of all sizes. The pricing structure is favorable for entrepreneurs who are just starting out and looking for cost-effective solutions to grow their online presence.

  2. Advantages: Systeme.io provides a wide range of advantages over other platforms, including a built-in email marketing system, an all-in-one sales funnel builder, and the ability to create and deliver online courses. These features gave us the flexibility and tools we needed to effectively monetize our content and engage with our audience.

  3. Features: Systeme.io offers a variety of features that are essential for running a successful online business. From customizable landing pages to automated email campaigns, the platform has everything we need to streamline our operations and enhance our productivity.

  4. Customer Support: We found systeme.io’s customer support to be exceptional. The team was responsive, knowledgeable, and always ready to assist us with any questions or concerns we had. This level of support was crucial in helping us navigate the platform and fully leverage its capabilities.

Kajabi is Still Great in Other Ways

While we ultimately chose systeme.io as our preferred platform, it’s important to acknowledge that Kajabi is still a fantastic choice in many aspects. Kajabi has a strong reputation and has been widely recognized as a reliable and feature-rich platform for online businesses. Its user-friendly interface and robust set of tools make it an attractive option for individuals who are willing to invest in a more premium solution.

The Video Comparison: Systeme.io vs. Kajabi

To provide more insights into our decision, we have created a video comparing systeme.io and Kajabi. In this video, we discuss various topics, including pricing, advantages, and features offered by both platforms. We delve into the strengths and weaknesses of each platform and explain why systeme.io emerged as the winner for our specific needs. We encourage you to check out the video for a deeper understanding of the comparison between these two platforms.

Additional Resources and Services

In addition to the video comparison, we also provide links to both systeme.io and Kajabi for your reference. If you’re interested in exploring either platform further, we recommend visiting their respective websites to learn more about their offerings and determine which one aligns with your business goals.

FAQs After The Conclusion

  1. Q: Can I use both Kajabi and systeme.io simultaneously for different aspects of my online business?
    A: Yes, you can definitely integrate both platforms to leverage their unique strengths for different aspects of your business.

  2. Q: Do systeme.io and Kajabi offer similar features for creating and delivering online courses?
    A: Yes, both platforms offer course creation and delivery features, although the implementation and user experience may vary.

  3. Q: Can I migrate my content and data from Kajabi to systeme.io?
    A: Yes, systeme.io provides migration tools and resources to help you seamlessly transfer your content and data from Kajabi.

  4. Q: How does systeme.io’s pricing compare to Kajabi’s?
    A: Systeme.io generally offers more affordable pricing plans compared to Kajabi, making it a budget-friendly option for entrepreneurs.

  5. Q: Is customer support readily available on both platforms?
    A: Both systeme.io and Kajabi offer customer support, although the responsiveness and level of assistance may vary.


In conclusion, while we still affiliate, promote, and use Kajabi to some extent, we have shifted our primary focus and investment towards systeme.io for its affordable pricing, advantages, features, and exceptional customer support. We encourage you to explore both platforms and watch our video comparison to make an informed decision based on your unique business needs. We welcome any questions or queries you may have about either platform in the comment section below.

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