Step-by-Step Guide: Creating a Custom Linktree with

How to create a customize a Linktree using

Welcome to our step-by-step guide on creating a custom Linktree with Linktree is a powerful tool that helps you share multiple links with your audience through a single custom landing page. With our guide, you’ll be able to create your own unique Linktree tailored to your brand and style. We’ll take you through the process step by step, so you can make the most of this tool and boost your online presence. Get ready to create a custom Linktree that will make it easy for your audience to connect with you. Let’s get started!

Creating a Custom Linktree with A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking to organize your website’s links and present them in a clean and concise way? Look no further than the customizable and user-friendly tool,’s Linktree template. In this article, we’ll show you how to create and customize a Linktree for your website, and highlight the benefits of using this tool.


A Linktree is a single link that directs website visitors to multiple links within your website, social media accounts, or other online presence. By using a Linktree, you can make it easy for users to find all of your relevant links in one place, without cluttering your website or social media bio with many links. is a powerful all-in-one online tool that allows you to create websites, online courses, memberships, and more. And now, they’ve made it easier than ever to create a customized Linktree with their new template.

Benefits of having a Linktree

  • Provides a streamlined and organized way to present multiple links on social media or websites.
  • Increases the chances of website visitors exploring more of your website by providing easy access to more content.
  • Easy to update and change as your content changes.
  • Saves space in your social media bios by only needing to include one link.
  • Increases engagement with your online presence by making it simple for users to access all of your channels.

Steps to create a customized Linktree

Step 1: Sign up for

If you’re not already a member, you’ll need to sign up for They offer a free trial and membership options, which will give you access to the Linktree template and many other features.

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Step 2: Access the template library

Once you’re signed in, head over to the template library. You’ll see the Linktree template, select it, and start customizing.

Step 3: Customize the template

Here’s where the fun starts. Customize your Linktree by adding your links, selecting images, and changing font styles.

Here are a few elements you can customize in the Linktree template:

  • Add or remove links
  • Change the font style and size
  • Customize your Linktree’s image
  • Optimize your Linktree for SEO
  • Change the color and style of your buttons
  • Use redirect links for more detailed tracking

Step 4: Add the Linktree link to your social media bio

One of the best places to use your Linktree is on Instagram. By adding your Linktree link to your Instagram bio, you can direct followers to all of your content with just one click. You can also add your Linktree to the footer of your website, email signatures, or anywhere else that makes sense.

Free Resources to Launch Your Online Business

Want even more online business tips and tricks? Lucky for you, has a ton of free resources to help you launch your website, online course, membership, or coaching business. Check out their blog and YouTube channel for more insights and hacks to help grow your business.


Creating a custom Linktree with is an easy and effective way to organize your website and social media presence. Utilizing this tool will help increase engagement, users’ browsing time on your website and help users find the important links they need quickly. With a variety of customization features, you can create a Linktree that fits your brand style and showcases all of your online channels.


  1. How many links can I add to my Linktree with
  • You can add an unlimited number of links to your Linktree through
  1. Can I use my own images in my Linktree?
  • Yes, you can upload and use custom images to personalize your Linktree.
  1. What are redirect links used for in a Linktree?
  • Redirect links can be used for more detailed tracking by creating links that contain tracking parameters.
  1. Can I change my Linktree’s layout after I’ve created it?
  • Yes, you can make changes to your Linktree at any time in the template editor.
  1. Is it safe to customize the code in my Linktree template?
  • We do not recommend customizing the code in your Linktree template, as it can negatively affect the functionality of your Linktree. Instead, use the customization menu to make changes to your Linktree.

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